Monday, July 21, 2008


Wow! What a trip! And what a job it was to write everything down. Even though I journaled almost every day and took over 1000 photos, it was good to rehash and reflect on the trip. In very classic style, I have provided you with way too much information on this blog, but at least you can pick and choose at your leisure.

All the article titles can be found in the left column. Click on any one to go to it directly. If you want to read everything in the order it was written, scroll your way down to the bottom of the page and work your way up. I tried to write the articles so that collectively, they would be enlightening, educational and entertaining.

Here's a synopsis of each Article:

Basic Itinerary: Self explanatory.

The Family History: Attempts to tie a lot of stories about my family in the context of the history of modern China. By far, the longest article on this blog.

Top Eight Mystery Food Items: As seen on real menus and food packaging!

Top Seven Impressions of China: Through the eyes of yours truly.

By The Numbers: Interesting data about our trip and this mysterious country.

Why Here, Why Now?: The necessity of blogging.

Have fun!

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